1. The Groupies - the groupies are the girls that are used as a sort of filler for the group. They are mildly attractive but don't have the most outgoing personality. There is a reason for this.
2. The DUFF - DUFF stands for 'Designated Ugly Fat Friend' and each group of girls has at least ONE. Some groups bring in a few more to make the Groupies seem more attractive to the males.
3. The #1 Bitch - this is the hottest girl of the group, and is 100% their leader. The groupies and DUFFs will do anything, even KILL for their leader. It's as if the #1 is Hitler, and you know the rest...
The 'Hot Bitch' System
There is a method to the makeup of each group of girls, they are extremely smart at getting what they want, especially in a divorce... But here it is, down to the basic principles.
- The #1 Bitch is the leader, and will sometimes do work for her friends, but she wants the attention of MOST men and the most attractive man in the club. She will reel her prey in with her swinging hips and eyes, and usually that is it... she will never directly approach her target
- The #1 Bitch, or the second most attractive girl (a Groupie) will come up to you and try and hook you up with one of the DUFFs
- The Groupies also rely on the #1 Bitch to find the prey, and then they pick from the friends
The system goes more in depth but those are the essentials, now here is how YOU get the #1..
- When you have picked the #1 out of the group, find the #2. Go up to the Groupie and hit on her and try and sleep with her that night. What does this do for you since you want #1?
a) By completely ignoring the #1, she will focus even more on you, and wonder why you aren't trying to get with her
b) By actually sleeping with the #2, (which would be easier than a straight denial from the #1), you will drive the #1 even more out her comfort zone and she will gradually turn into a monster and fiend for you. The #1 can NOT go without attention and she will not be able to get you off of her mind.
Remember, you MUST ignore the #1 with polite, yet blunt answers. A little attention won't hurt, but too much and she will easily lose interest. Girls can tell what you think about them through your eyes so you must be Lafy GaGa with your Poker Face..
Good luck homies!