Tuesday, April 5, 2011


There are some things in life we just can not change. We can change our hair style, the length, and even the color. We can put in colored contacts to change our eye color. But the one thing we can not change? Height and growth. I stand at almost 6 foot so I don't have to worry about getting called out on my height. But you know when you see that tall ass mother fucker you just want to scream out, "HEY HOWS THE WEATHER UP THERE?". Or when you see a super small person, "Dude, the set for Wizard of Oz's munchkinland is thattttt a way". These comments, at least for me, are EXTREMELY hard to suppress. And it sucks. That person can't change their height. It's not like they have small boobs and for $5,000 get some big ones. There is no surgery to cure the problem of height.

Now it is easily compensated for most people.. tall girls have gorgeous legs, and short girls just have an added sexiness surrounding them. Tall guys usually get a ton of pussy because, well, you know. They seem to have big dicks. But there is one group of people that just completely screwed by genetics...

That is short males. In the terrible case of being a small dude, you are, 100% of the time, going to be labeled as having a small penis by woman. They don't want a guy shorter than them, alongside of him not being able to sexually satisfy. They are also plagued with an asshole attitude, and I mean, I feel for them but they don't have to be assholes. 'Short' tempers, (ooh nice pun Hall), short everything. Life sucks being a short male. Up yours Danny De Vito

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